For many adults with low support needs autism, a travel adventure can offer significant benefits, including improved well-being and quality of life.
Connor McClure
AI Future Promises Hope in Terms of Autism Support
Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming our world, and the AI future looks particularly bright in terms of promising support and hope for autistics. Here’s why.
Learn How to Love Yourself: Autism Self-Care Ideas
Is your self-care routine feeling a bit lackluster? It’s time to learn how to love yourself, especially when you have autism.
Making a Connection: The Forgotten Joy of Finding Third Places
Making a connection with others can often pose unique challenges for individuals with autism spectrum. The key is finding third places.
Self-Identity: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your True Self
For many people, figuring out one’s self-identity and purpose in life can be a challenging process. But self-discovery is just part of being human.
Fitting In: How Double Empathy Problem Relates to Being Liked
Fitting in and being liked can be harder for autistics, in part due to the double empathy problem that is all-too-common. Here’s what it means.
Autistic Stimming Behaviors: Why We Do and How It’s Important
Autistic stimming behaviors can sometimes seize control of a person’s life. Or, it can be a minor behavior to overlook. So what’s the line?
Autism Disclosure: Is Revealing Your Disorder Helpful or Hurtful?
Deciding if, when, and how to reveal an autism disclosure can be a tough decision. Before revealing, consider these things first.
Overstimulation: How to Balance Intense Sensory Seeking Behavior
Overstimulation seems a contradiction of autistics, known for being sensory-averse. But some are thrill seekers who crave intense, sensory seeking experiences.
3 Reasons Why Pathologizing Crushes Autism Acceptance and Inclusion
Pathologizing involves categorizing traits, behaviors, or characteristics as abnormal or deviant from the perceived societal norm. It needs to stop.
Breaking the Silence: Startling Insights About Autism and Depression
Autism and depression often coexist. Research suggests that individuals on the spectrum have a higher risk of depression. But, why?
Extreme Weather and Its Alarming Impact on Autism Emotions
Extreme weather is shown to adversely affect autism emotions and sensory sensitivities. How can we protect the most vulnerable?