Being with family extended members can be difficult during special occasions, especially for individuals on the spectrum. Here’s how to cope.
growing up autistic
Growing up autistic wasn’t so different than many other kids. Having family support and a few friends helped to navigate the challenges.
The Importance Of Gratitude Attitude and Building a Beautiful Life
Here are powerful ways for people with autism and their loved ones to build a gratitude attitude and a beautiful life.
Playing Dress Up: How to Make Trick or Treating Fun
Playing dress up and going trick or treating or attending fall festivals can be a positive experience for children with autism. Just keep these things in mind before heading out.
Scary Haunted Houses: Love or Hate, It’s Okay Either Way
Halloween is a holiday filled with spooks and scares like scary haunted houses, usually in a fun way. However, some individuals experience true terror instead of enjoyment.
Breaking Down Barriers That Challenge Autism and Friendships
Autism and friendships can be a challenge. While people often struggle with finding a friend, connections when on the spectrum can be especially hard.
Autism and Pets and How the Right Fit Brings Joy
Autism and pets can be a special combination, offering an emotional connection, improved mental health, and enhanced social skills.
The Fascinating Explanation of Spoon Theory Mental Health
Spoon theory mental health is a metaphor used to convey limitations individuals face due to physical and/or mental conditions.
Autism Travel Adventure: How to Break Barriers and Unleash the Wanderlust
For many adults with low support needs autism, a travel adventure can offer significant benefits, including improved well-being and quality of life.
Autism and Sleep: 4 Ways That Destroy Restful Slumber
Understanding the connections between autism and sleep disorders, as well as effective treatment strategies, can greatly improve a person’s quality of life.
Defining Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Does It Feel Like?
How does an autistic answer the question, “What does autism feel like?” Defining autism spectrum disorder is beyond difficult. And, yet, we all still try.
History of Autism: Revealing Shocking Mysteries from the Past
The history of autism and how individuals with the disorder were treated hasn’t always been pretty. But positive progress is finally being made.
Monotropism Theory: How to Navigate Intense Interests
Monotropism refers to a neurodiversity affirming theory related to hyperfocus and narrow interests. But, what does it mean to you?