Most of us have heard someone repeating words or phrases, even if we didn’t understand why. It’s called palilalia, and it can help with language processing.
autistic social awkwardness
Autistic social awkwardness impacts many individuals on the autism spectrum. Here’s how to manage and even master that awkward feeling.
10 Proven Techniques for Managing Autism and Sensory Issues
A world overflowing with sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch can be overwhelming. But autism and sensory issues can be particularly challenging.
10 Worst Jobs for People with Social Anxiety
Receptionists, retail sales, and servers at fast-paced businesses are considered among the worst jobs for people with social anxiety. Here’s why.
Young Adult Travel Group Way to Overcome Travel Anxiety
No matter how well you plan, even with a young adult travel group, international trips almost always involve travel anxiety. Are you prepared?
Autism After High School: Choosing College Can Be Right Choice
Autism schools or ones with special programs or extra support may open the door for attending college with autism after high school. Learn more.
The Fascinating World of Autism Scripting: Unlocking the Mystery
For many individuals on the spectrum, autism scripting is a familiar and comforting behavior. But, what is it, and why is it done?
Autism Speak: How to Talk Respectfully to Individuals on Spectrum
Learning autism speak simply means talking respectfully to individuals on the spectrum. Here’s what you should know.
On the Autism Spectrum: Top 25 Hurdles Individuals Face Daily
Navigating the world on the autism spectrum can be a challenge, as individuals are often misunderstood by society. Here are common signs ASD adults present.
Break Free: 10 Tips to Take A Risk and Escape Your Comfort Zone
In order to grow and thrive, you shouldn’t stay locked inside of your comfort zone forever. It’s good to take a risk and branch out. Here are 10 tips on how.
Echolalia Autism: Repetition Can Lead to Better Language Processing
Repeating a conversation, sometimes word for word, is called echolalia, and is common with autism. Why does this behavior help with language processing?
Video Gaming Fun Can Build Social Skills for Autistics
Video gaming fun can provide positive mental stimulation and enhance social skills, especially for individuals on the spectrum. The key is moderation.
Bottoms Up: Flipping Your World with Vestibular System Therapy
Stimming is common at all ages. Some enjoy hanging upside down and going bottoms up for stress relief, known as vestibular system therapy. Learn more.