The benefits of walking in the morning, even if it’s just a short, brisk 10-15 minute walk, can leave you feeling energized and improve overall wellness.
Connor McClure
Masked Symptoms of Autism in Adults You Need to Recognize!
Individuals sometimes mask symptoms of autism in adults because they fear being singled out. But a diagnosis can bring positive change!
8 Stress Busters: Conquer Autism and Stress With Proven Strategies
These 8 proven stress busters can help autistic individuals self-soothe when feeling overwhelmed by the world around them. They are worth a try!
Autism Spectrum Facts: 13 Great Reasons for Why It’s Called ASD
One of many interesting autism spectrum facts is that ASD is characterized by a very wide range of symptoms and abilities. Learn more.
10 Best Competitive Strategies for Autism: Ways to Make Challenges Fun
With the right competitive strategies and support, people with autism can thrive in competitions that play to their unique strengths and interests.
Travel Anxiety: How Travel Makes You Appreciate Home Sweet Home
Travel is one of life’s greatest joys. However, the travel anxiety that often comes with it helps you appreciate home that much more when you return.
Alexithymia Symptoms: Is Emotional Blindness A Thing?
Alexithymia symptoms are characterized by difficulty identifying and describing one’s own emotions. It can impact mental health and interpersonal relationships.
Autism and Change of Routine: Re-establishing Normal After Trip
As a neurodiverse adult, I like having a routine, and dramatic changes that come with travel can be a challenge. Here’s how to adapt.
Making a Connection: The Forgotten Joy of Finding Third Places
Making a connection with others can often pose unique challenges for individuals with autism spectrum. The key is finding third places.
Surprising Connections: Why Autism and Apraxia Share Common Ground
Autism and apraxia can profoundly affect communication and speech. While they share common symptoms, researchers are still investigating the link.
How to Combat Autism and Bullying Behavior Once and For All
Autism and bullying continues to be a significant problem for many on the spectrum. Even with increased awareness of autism, neurodiverse individuals still face considerable stigmas.
Breaking Down the Top 10 Autism Stereotypes: Unveiling the Truth
There are many common autism stereotypes people believe. Most are not accurate, and can be harmful by preventing understanding and acceptance.