Savant’s syndrome, sometimes known as savantism, is often attached to autism. But, what does being on the spectrum have to do with it?
social issues and autism
Social issues and autism impact many individuals on the autism spectrum. Here’s how to manage and even master that awkward feeling.
Life Hacks for Aging Adults With Autism Symptoms
Does autism change as a person ages? Adults with autism symptoms will always have them, as ASD doesn’t just go away. Here’s what to know.
On the Autism Spectrum: Top 25 Hurdles Individuals Face Daily
Navigating the world on the autism spectrum can be a challenge, as individuals are often misunderstood by society. Here are common signs ASD adults present.
When Time Flies So Fast: Is Time Blindness Real?
When time flies so fast—or slow—that scheduling and obligations are hard to meet, time blindness is real. Learn more.
Sensory Integration Dysfunction? A Sensory Diet Can Change Your Life
Many autistics struggle with sensory integration dysfunction, meaning some senses are either over or under reactive to stimulation. A sensory diet can help.
Video Gaming Fun Can Build Social Skills for Autistics
Video gaming fun can provide positive mental stimulation and enhance social skills, especially for individuals on the spectrum. The key is moderation.
Bottoms Up: Flipping Your World with Vestibular System Therapy
Stimming is common at all ages. Some enjoy hanging upside down and going bottoms up for stress relief, known as vestibular system therapy. Learn more.
Spotlight on the Spectrum: Understanding 3 Levels of Autism
Did you know there are 3 levels of autism used for diagnostic criteria to help determine attributes and support needed? Learn more.
5 Ingenious Ways for Creating Boundaries in A Relationship
Many people on the spectrum disorder struggle with creating boundaries in a relationship. Challenges of personal space meaning can lead to social difficulties.
Exploring Myths and Realities of High Functioning Autism Symptoms
High functioning autism describes where a person falls on the spectrum. High functioning autism symptoms may include social challenges. Learn more.
Adult With Autism Signs: 6 Traits to Look For
Autism can often remain undiagnosed until later years. These 6 adult with autism signs can also help individuals get treatment they need.
Do You Know Your Flavor of Autistic Spectrum Disorders?
Have you ever been asked what flavor of autism are you? It is a casual way of asking about your autistic spectrum disorders. Learn more about this strange question.