How does an autistic answer the question, “What does autism feel like?” Defining autism spectrum disorder is beyond difficult. And, yet, we all still try.
autistic adult
Living as an autistic adult is a unique journey filled with daily challenges and opportunities for growth. From managing sensory sensitivities to navigating social interactions, adults on the autism spectrum often face a range of obstacles that require innovative strategies for triumph.
Young Adult Travel Group Way to Overcome Travel Anxiety
No matter how well you plan, even with a young adult travel group, international trips almost always involve travel anxiety. Are you prepared?
Autism Masking & Code Switching: How to Redefine Acceptance
Autism masking and code switching are sometimes used to fit in or appear more “normal.” But what do these terms really mean? Is using these strategies good or bad for autism mental health?
Forks to Faux Pas: Why Table Manners & Social Etiquette Matter
People with autism often have difficulties with social etiquette and using proper table manners. Learning these expectations can help with social inclusion.
How to Advocate for Acceptance During April’s Month of Autism Awareness
Imagine a world where neurodiversity is celebrated, and where differences are embraced. This is the vision of the month of autism awareness.
Is High Pain Tolerance for Individuals With Autism True?
Is it true that individuals with ASD have a high pain tolerance? Everyone experiences pain at some time, but how well is it tolerated? That’s the question.
Autism After High School: Choosing College Can Be Right Choice
Autism schools or ones with special programs or extra support may open the door for attending college with autism after high school. Learn more.
Is an Autism Diagnosis in Adult Age A Life Changer?
How do I know if I have autism? Autism diagnosis in adult age is on the rise, and knowing can help you to live your best life. Here’s why.
Overactive Nervous System on Overdrive? It’s Time to Reset
Many autistics struggle with an overactive nervous system from constant cognitive and emotional exertion. Sound like you? Then you need to reset!
Rigid Routine: Why Being Inflexible Can Harm Happiness
It’s well-known that most autistics crave routine. But being inflexible by having rigid thinking can harm overall happiness. But, how?
Adult Tests for Autism on the Increase: Why Knowing Is Important
Requesting adult tests for autism is becoming more common, as individuals who have grown up always thinking they are different begin to question why.
Funny or Foul? Opinions Differ on Jokes That Are Offensive
It’s easy to offend nowadays. But it’s harder to set a firm rule on acceptability on jokes that are offensive to some, but not others. Just ask a comedian.