For many autistics, self-regulation and controlling the emotions that come with daily life can be an immense challenge. But it can be done!
autism behaviors
Common autism behaviors can include awkward social interactions, sensitivity to sensory stimulations, and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. But it’s important to realize that everyone presents autism differently, which is why it is a spectrum disorder.
Knocking Down the Stigma to Autism Obsession
Autism obsession can be hard to understand. It may not even seem like an obsession to the person experiencing it. Here’s what to know.
Autism and Sleep: 4 Ways That Destroy Restful Slumber
Understanding the connections between autism and sleep disorders, as well as effective treatment strategies, can greatly improve a person’s quality of life.
Yes, Yes! How Repeating Words (Palilalia) Achieves Better Language Processing
Most of us have heard someone repeating words or phrases, even if we didn’t understand why. It’s called palilalia, and it can help with language processing.
10 Proven Techniques for Managing Autism and Sensory Issues
A world overflowing with sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch can be overwhelming. But autism and sensory issues can be particularly challenging.
Being Real Without Offending Others is Autistic Challenge
Being real without offending others by being too blunt or coming across rude isn’t easy. It’s especially challenging for autistics.
5 Fun Physical Activities That Promote Better Autism Health
These five fun physical activities can provide an opportunity for individuals with autism to interact with their peers in a natural setting.
Top Ways Nature Therapy Can Transform Lives of Autistics
Did you know that nature therapy can have positive effects for people with autism? Here’s how it can improve mental health.
The Exhausting Truth About Autistic Burnout You Need to Know
Autistic burnout is very real, and affects physical, emotional, and mental health. Here’s what to do to recover.
Autism Masking & Code Switching: How to Redefine Acceptance
Autism masking and code switching are sometimes used to fit in or appear more “normal.” But what do these terms really mean? Is using these strategies good or bad for autism mental health?
Forks to Faux Pas: Why Table Manners & Social Etiquette Matter
People with autism often have difficulties with social etiquette and using proper table manners. Learning these expectations can help with social inclusion.
Is High Pain Tolerance for Individuals With Autism True?
Is it true that individuals with ASD have a high pain tolerance? Everyone experiences pain at some time, but how well is it tolerated? That’s the question.