Autism FAQ #1: What exactly is autism?
Autism, or also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a brain developmental disorder. It can affect verbal and even non-verbal communication, social interaction, and behavior. How, exactly, depends on the individual. Autism usually shows itself in early childhood and lasts throughout a person’s life.
While most individuals are diagnosed in childhood, usually before the age of 8, some do not get diagnosed until their teen or adult years.
Autism FAQ #2: What are common traits of autism?
There is a wide range of symptoms, and a person with autism could have all of them or none of them. Usually, it’s somewhere in between. Common symptoms could be a lack of facial expressions, including reduced or no eye contact; hyper-focused interests; extreme organization and set behaviors; repetition of gestures or sounds; stimming; and indifference to others at times.
Remember that only a professional can officially diagnose a person with autism using specific screening tools, observation, and questions. There is no blood or genetic tests for autism.