Help Achieve Autism Acceptance Through Positive Engagement

Autism acceptance starts with connection. Just ask me about My Autism Mind and about living life with autism.

There is a lot of information out in the world about autism spectrum disorder, but most of it seems to focus on diagnoses, characteristics, and what it is like to raise a child with this disorder. 

The fact that every person with autism is different seems to to defy finding simple solutions on what is best for the individual, and it seems like people are sometimes afraid to just ask the hard (or simple) questions.

I’m hoping this blog is different because it is from the personal perspective of an adult with autism. And I hope you’ll just ask me things you really would like to know. 

Why Write About My Life and Autism Acceptance?

So, why write about my life and My Autism Mind? Well, the short answer is that I think I have something informative to say about autism spectrum disorder. Quite honestly, I’m quite a personal expert about it … at least in my own autistic mind.

I don’t intend to offer advice in general about being on the spectrum. There are trained doctors and therapists for that. 

I just want to provide insight on a first-person basis about what it’s like as a young adult to live with autism and provide some perspective and understanding about those of us who don’t know life any other way.

So, I hope you’ll just ask and let me tell you about what I think. And then we can talk. It’s all in the spirit of increasing autism acceptance.

I’m Just Me So Just Ask For My Perspective

Call me structured (sometimes even regimented), overly direct at times but overall easy-going, and always curious. I’m also quirky, socially awkward, have a dry wit, and am usually very patient. I love my family. I wish I had more friends and was in a relationship.

Like about every young adult out there in the world, I’m still finding my way. If you want to know about how I find adult life with autism spectrum disorder, again, just ask!

I hope you'll joy me on my search for autism acceptance and understanding.It’s only my opinion. And I know everyone is different. But I hope my personal (and NOT expert) views and experiences–sometimes wins and other times fails–can help others on the autism spectrum or ones trying to better understand this thing called autism.

Just ask me about my perspective and how I live my life on the autism spectrum. Just ask me about my perspective and how I live my life on the autism spectrum. So just ask me about almost anything and I’ll promise to give the best answer I can. 

Please comment below or feel free to email me directly at

I also hope you’ll check out my numerous blog posts about autism, ranging from behaviors, challenges, stigmas and stereotypes, FAQs, autism acceptance, relationships, and much more. I’m adding new content almost every day.

Here are a few general areas that might be of great interest to many of you, especially if you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.  Check them out:

Finally, if you have a question that I don’t seem to have answered from my autistic mind, please let me know and I’ll do my research, add my perspective, and then create a blog about it. I always appreciate the input.  Together, we’ll overcome the stigmas and improve the level of autism acceptance … one mind at a time! 

Picture of Connor McClure

Connor McClure

I'm a young adult navigating life with autism. By sharing my experiences and views, I hope to create a better awareness, understanding, and compassion for those on the spectrum. Let's connect!